Thursday, March 18, 2010

The problem of Higgs boson has been completely solved

Mechanism-Revealed Physics (37/40) ----- by Bingcheng Zhao

Solving the problem of Higgs boson by proving that the Higgs boson does not exist at all. The hypothesized Higgs boson has been the fundamental pivot of the SMPP (SMPP = the Standard Model of particle physics) for the last 40 years; the Higgs boson was proposed for solving the most fundamental problem in the SMPP: “What causes the elementary particles to have masses or how elementary particles get their mass?” (Ref., the encyclopedia of physics). Therefore, as stated in the encyclopedia of physics, proving or disproving whether the Higgs boson really exists is widely recognized as one of the most fundamental problems in physics.

How to solve the problem of Higgs boson? The problem has been completely solved by proving that the hypothesized Higgs boson does not exist at all (P. 824 ~ 829, 8.5.2, Ch.8B, reference #2). The hypothesized Higgs boson is proven not existing at all, because the only purpose of hypothesizing the so-called Higgs boson is for elementary particles acquiring their mass, whereas the proven fact is that the newly discovered, mechanism-revealed OMDW law* is the only physical law that reveals the mechanism (cause) why elementary particles get their mass through the process of these particles’ (initial nonzero) mass doing negative work. [*Note, OMDW law = the law of object’s mass doing work (P. 93 ~ 109, Ch.1A, reference #1)]. Specifically, based on OMDW law, elementary particles acquire their mass via these elementary particles’ (initial nonzero) mass doing negative work under the action of either weak nuclear force or strong nuclear force or both when these forces are broken. Be clarified, in the process of elementary particles acquiring their mass, the hypothesized Higgs boson is not required at all. In other words, the so-called hypothesized Higgs boson turns out to be the consequence of the true mechanism that causes elementary particles to get their mass had not been discovered before.

The key to understanding of the proven fact that the hypothesized Higgs boson does not exist: (1) as long as you have known the greatest equation in the history of science, which is Einstein’s famous mass-energy equation (E = mc^2 or E0 = mc^2), you will easily understand the proven fact that the Higgs boson does not exist, because the law of object’s mass doing work (OMDW) (P. 93 ~ 109, Ch.1A, reference #1), which proves the hypothesized Higgs boson does not exist (P. 825 ~ 826, reference #2), also reveals the mechanism behind the greatest equation (P. 114 ~ 118, Ch.1B, reference #1). In other words, as long as you have known why mass has energy, you will easily understand the proven fact that the Higgs boson does not exist. (2) The so-called Higgs boson is the prediction of the SMPP, whereas the SMPP has been proven to be mechanistically thus essentially wrong (P. 820 ~ 823, 8.4, Ch.8B, reference #2). (3) The postulate-based SMPP utterly skips over the mechanism thus essence behind its describing phenomena, which is equivalent to that the SMPP loses its own mechanism thus essence, consequently the SMPP creates something not existing — the hypothesized Higgs boson. (4) Remembering the serious historical lesson about looking for aether in the second half of the 19th century, because the so-called Higgs boson turns out to be the ‘aether’ of the 20th century. (5) OMDW law reveals the conversion mechanism between force and mass (P. 104, 1.5.1 a), Ch.1A, reference #1), and OMDW law is the only fundamental physical law that dynamically thus mechanistically proves why and how elementary particles acquire their mass. (6) Revolutionarily new concept and highly creative think way.

Reference #1: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 1(1/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-4913-9.
Reference #2: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 2(2/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-5033-3.

Ph.D., Bingcheng Zhao,
The author of “From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics”
1401 NE Merman Dr. Apt. 703, Pullman, WA 99163 USA.